Think About Your HAVES Not Your HAVE-NOTs!

Think About Your HAVES Not Your HAVE-NOTs!

Life is not perfect, but if it was, how boring would that be? There would be no lessons learned and no need for blessings to be counted…what a loss that would be! This economy is hitting most of us hard and it’s difficult not to worry and be angry-my husband and I are good, hard working people. We pay our bills on time and live within our means. Yet like many, we sometimes struggle to make ends meet. However I’ve found a sliver of a silver lining. It makes you appreciate the HAVES in your life a whole lot more. Here are mine:

I have a wonderful husband who loves me and a strong and happy marriage.
I have a group of friends who are just the most terrific and extraordinary people I’ve ever met.
I have a clean, warm apartment and a kitchen full of food.
I have a cat who gives me joy and unconditional love.
I have the luck and good fortune to be making a living doing something I absolutely love.
I have good health.
I have a clear conscience and an open mind.

What are your haves?

I leave you with this:

“I complained I had no shoes until I met a man who had no feet.”

Count your blessings, look for that silver lining and give thanks for your HAVES! ๐Ÿ™‚

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On Faith

On Faith

Heard on the news this morning that the #1 survival weapon (whether you’re trying to survive a life threatening event or just the lousy economy), is faith. Reminded me of this quote:

โ€œWhen you have come to the edge of all light that you know, and are about to drop off into the darkness of the unknown, Faith is knowing one of two things will happen: There will be something solid to stand on or you will be taught to fly.โ€

~ Patrick Overton

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