Think About Your HAVES Not Your HAVE-NOTs!

Think About Your HAVES Not Your HAVE-NOTs!

Life is not perfect, but if it was, how boring would that be? There would be no lessons learned and no need for blessings to be counted…what a loss that would be! This economy is hitting most of us hard and it’s difficult not to worry and be angry-my husband and I are good, hard working people. We pay our bills on time and live within our means. Yet like many, we sometimes struggle to make ends meet. However I’ve found a sliver of a silver lining. It makes you appreciate the HAVES in your life a whole lot more. Here are mine:

I have a wonderful husband who loves me and a strong and happy marriage.
I have a group of friends who are just the most terrific and extraordinary people I’ve ever met.
I have a clean, warm apartment and a kitchen full of food.
I have a cat who gives me joy and unconditional love.
I have the luck and good fortune to be making a living doing something I absolutely love.
I have good health.
I have a clear conscience and an open mind.

What are your haves?

I leave you with this:

“I complained I had no shoes until I met a man who had no feet.”

Count your blessings, look for that silver lining and give thanks for your HAVES! 🙂

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